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Saturday, May 15, 2010

So, no comments for more than a week, maybe you’ re bored. Hope not, it’s been a rough month; I didn’t want to give a blow by blow of the drama. But I can tell you now, since it’s starting to lift, and it’s also part of the process.
First off, there was my meltdown about the impending parole hearing and visits to the DA’s office to prepare my victim’s impact statement. I have an appointment to meet with the Parole Board the first Friday in July. I won’t know if it will be enough to keep my assailant in jail until they decide in November, when he may or may not be released. My option then will be to relocate, but they won’t tell me one way or the other until he actually is free. Really.
In the meantime, I started a new job this week, and although I’m still counting pennies, the money will be coming in soon. Optimistic, and typing up the current story as I write it. And I’ll continue to post bits and pieces of J’S GIRLS, perhaps even some more Caroline tomorrow.


  1. OK, my friend, it sounds like some things are now moving forward in a positive direction, at last.

    I am so glad that you have your writing and am glad that you are sharing it.
