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Thursday, May 13, 2010

"Kitty says some are sicker than others, and she knows a lot of off the wall people. Including me with my dreaded people pleasing, and Tash, who is out of her mind all the time now.
You should have seen her yesterday, when those two cops were at the gallery wiring their equipment up through the security cameras. Garcia she knew and had done her routine on before, but the new girl, the tech named Bonnie, who Tash kept calling Bunny, got the full treatment. Big toothy grin when Bonnie saw the picture of Tash in her naked tattooed glory in the bathroom. Much more predatory than the smile Kitty had when Bonnie figured out that the handsome devil Serpico clone in those pictures in the office was her new boss Danny.
I knew Tash would do something, act out at some point, given how bad her dreams were the night before. Coming on to a cop, straight girl or not, was better than beating someone up. Me, for instance, even her pug, has been staying out of her way. So I let her tie me up and get it out of her system. But isn’t that what girlfriends are for?"

Fiona talking about her lover Tasha in Chapter 11 of J'S GIRLS

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