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Friday, July 30, 2010

So he’s in for two more years, I found out a little over an hour ago. It’s a huge relief, I've been struggling with depression but now I can move forward. I don’t know to what yet, but I can stay in New York for a while, although thinking about leaving has been engaging.
I have been working on Kitty’s new chapters, she has four, the last one is not quite finished yet, but what I have for her ties her story with Danny up nicely and she also reflects on my situation as an observer. Still a lot of work to do, but I'm up for it.
I got a copy of the victim impact hearing transcript last week, and oddly enough, I sounded just like Danny in it. I knew he was my favorite character, but he sounds more like me than I do. Interesting.


  1. Yeezus, Maureen (as my Norwegian relatives would say). I've been a bad cyberfriend because I have not checked in on you for a lonnnnng time. What a day to drop by. That is fabulous news that the jerk will stay incarcerated for another 2 years. Hopefully that will give you enough time to relocate to a place where he can't get to you geographically or MORE importantly, emotionally/mentally.

    Hugs (and I am not that kind of person....believe me!!!!!). Make those serious hugs.


  2. yes I have been negligent as well. The truth is life intercedes in so many ways...
    I am happy for you

  3. Good. Breathing room. Take care of yourself.

  4. Excellent news and now for more productive thoughts!
