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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Good day for writing, way too hot, a big storm brewing, happy to stay inside. Wrote about an unfortunate love story episode of mine. Aren’t they all? This dude, who I once considered the love of my life, faked his death.
Yeah, oh well and whatever. Always something going on at my house, more fodder for the novel. Might as well make use of it instead feeling sorry for myself. Or embarrassed.
Been posting shots on my other blog of my mother’s grave at the National Cemetery in Arlington. Odd the big controversy that has stirred up about mis-marked graves there, but I’m pretty sure hers is right, but neither my brother nor I are mentioned on her headstone.

1 comment:

  1. i was thinking what timing! You both go to the national cemetery + then it's in news. Plus you and brother not on headstone could be even more "mystery" to write about. Along with faked death lover and parole hearing nightmare. Steady you must be...
